
The Public Speaking Course

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By Chamber Press Office, 11 April 2024

Frightened of Speaking in Public? Fear No More. The Public Speaking Course Will Help You.

It all started with a phone call back in 1994. It was 9pm on a Wednesday evening when a friend of John's, who ran an SME in London, called him in a panic. He had an important technology conference his company was hosting on behalf of British Telecom the next day. The presenter he had engaged came down with bad food poisoning and was unable to make it. His friend asked John if he could stand in for him and do a presentation in front of 200 people. John had never done anything like that before, but his friend assured him that he would "be great”.

The next morning, they met in Central London, and a few hours later, John found himself in a posh hotel conference room standing in front of 200+ people, presenting a 45-minute speech on behalf of BT to a room full of engineers, technicians, and businesspeople. The Internet was in its infancy, and there was an air of excitement about this new way of doing business. Little did they know back then just how much it would change all their lives. The presentation went exceptionally well.

Now, over 30 years later, John has spoken in front of tens of thousands of people, including Prime Ministers, politicians, CEOs, entrepreneurs, and virtually every profession one can think of. John has collaborated with dozens of well-known companies and organizations, including BT, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Unilever, Pulsant, HSBC, University of Law (London), HM Government, JP Morgan, British Red Cross, Citibank, KPMG, Mercy Hospital Cork, Microsoft, and many more. There is pretty much nothing he hasn’t seen or heard in terms of people's fears of public speaking.

John's philosophy is simple: Everyone has a right to speak and that includes you. Clear, concise communication is important, and he is dedicated to helping individuals get their message across, whether that be in a professional work environment or in a personal capacity.

Most people are not natural communicators or born public speakers. Many are self-conscious, fearful, and nervous about speaking in public. The "little voice" in their head is constantly over-thinking: "What will he, she, they think of me? What if I go blank and forget what I am saying? What happens if I make a mistake?". Being able to communicate authentically and effectively changes the way others see you and your business and helps you to achieve your goals both professionally and personally.

John encourages reflecting on your own situation. How do you feel when you are asked – or told – to speak in public? Quite likely, the initial reaction is fear, accompanied by sweaty palms, a dry throat, even heart palpitations, and in extreme cases, shortness of breath, dizziness, or a full-blown panic attack.

You are not alone. This happens to over 75% of people who have a built-in fear (or phobia) of standing up in front of other people to deliver a speech, present, or pitch an idea, or when attending that all-important job interview. It’s a natural reaction, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

The Public Speaking Course is designed to help individuals deal with their fear and teach them how to stand up with confidence and speak from a position of genuine ease and poise. The techniques he uses are simple, effective, and extremely powerful and have worked for thousands of people just like you for over three decades. The course aims to help participants escape from the prison of their own minds – from their constant over-thinking and fearful disposition; to enjoy the benefits of communicating concisely, fluently, passionately, and most importantly, to get their message across in the best possible way.

The skills learned go far beyond public speaking. They are tools to help deal with many of life's challenges, giving an inner confidence that may not have been there before, allowing individuals to be themselves – whoever that turns out to be. That free-floating fear is nothing more than a bully and is likely holding back from full potential. Once confronted, it will melt away, leaving one free to enjoy the life, the success, and the peace of mind deserved. The incessant and always-present "little voice" of fear will say that people will laugh, that one is not good enough, not worthy enough, doesn’t deserve to be there, is an imposter and will be found out, that one's speech will be a disaster and that one will be fully exposed for what they truly are – a fraud!

It will say that one cannot cope, has not prepared enough, doesn't know what they're talking about, and that nobody is interested in what one has to say anyway. Fear tells one that both they and their topic are boring and not worth listening to. As a result, fear holds back, blocks the path to success, and prevents achieving goals in one's career and life generally.

The good news is that there is a solution. The Public Speaking Course will help break through the fear and allow individuals to stand up and be heard.

By the end of the one-day course, participants will have the skills and confidence to stand up in front of any number of people and speak. And that also includes being able to speak and present on Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, and other online platforms.

So, whoever you are and whatever you do, if you have a fear of standing up and speaking in front of people, now is the time to finally deal with it – not tomorrow – now.

Regular one-day courses take place in Cork and Dublin but can also take place anywhere in Ireland to suit you and your business. To find out more please visit here and check out their Trustpilot reviews.

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