
Lobbying in Action 28/07/23

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27 July 2023

The Government has instigated a review of the National Planning Framework (NPF). The NPF determines the allocation investment in capital spending and service provision under Project Ireland 2040, and is intended to promote regional balance in Ireland, diverting growth into urban areas and cities outside of Dublin. Dublin Chamber is taking an active role in the consultation phase and has advised Government that the NPF should better reflect the scale of housing and social and economic infrastructure required for the Greater Dublin Area (GDA), given the rapid growth in its population since 2016. The Census shows that the GDA continues to lead the way in terms of job creation and population growth.

Dublin Chamber has pointed out the shortfalls in the NPF and indeed the lack of construction in feeder towns such as Greystones, as well as the continued work done on derelict sites for urban regeneration to Kieran O’Donnell TD, Minister of State at the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’ Brien TD, will be addressing Dublin Chamber members on these developments as well as progress in the deliverance of Housing for All in September.

Dublin Chamber has continued to take both an active and constructive approach to safety levels in Dublin. Dublin Chamber holds an active position on the Joint Policing Committee, and this week we have reached out to Minster for Justice Helen McEntee to make Dublin more safe and secure. This follows previous meetings with the Minister, other local T.D.s, the Gardai and Dublin city Council and reinforces our efforts to ensure that Dublin remains an attractive location for people to live, work, do business and visit. As part of our lobbying efforts, our Director of Public and International Affairs, Aebhric McGibney, appeared on the Six One and Nine O’clock News during the week, calling for a greater Garda presence on the streets to address the growing sense of menace in the city.

The provision of sufficient transport remains a key priority for Dublin Chamber and that is reflected in our lobbying position. This month, Dublin Chamber has met with the National Transport Authority for a briefing on current roll out of new developments as well as the projects to be implemented before 2042 and beyond.

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